10 August, 2008

Wedding Kompangs

First of all, a big congrats to Kak Zai on her big day. Today onwards, she's a Mrs. Congrats again Kak! Here's some picture's galore!

After eats, Picture time!

The stairs for their 1st step into marital happiness

Welcoming groupies

Finally, the happy couple on their big day

Kak Zai looks really happy. Congrats again!

All the ladies from the office say "Hey Yo!". Smile cT!

The Kompang Crew taking their long awaited break

The main throne for the happy couple

This is where the magic is going to happen


In 2 more months our institution is going to hold our very first convocation. It's a real big @$$ deal. I'm not sure what it means to me, but what I know is that I'd be involved with the multimedia part of the whole thing with some of my other colleagues who are also part of our technical staff. The first trial for this multimedia team was our Head of Department's Award. It was decided that it was going to be made more like a convocation style. The day passed nicely. Only bad thing was, I wasn't told about any of this, especially the part that I was actually with the multimedia team.

A little introduction and comment on video control console

Concentration and discussions

More explanation of the video control console

Anyway, the next day, we had our last day of our multimedia course. But, this time, I was told about it. So, I joined in on the course. After hearing comment on the day before by 3 guest lecturers, I was impressed with what they said. There were more good comments than bad ones. During the course, even got to learn about some new equipments that was bought in lieu with the convocation. Video camera control consoles. Nice. Somehow seemed like something a big tv company would use for TV shows.

Anyway, now I finally know which part I'm involved with and heard that there's going to be a team building course in the near future for all technical staffs. That's good.

Appreciation from by Hanan

Appreciation from by Fizi

Appreciation from by The lady boss, Mazirah

Lastly, Thank You to the guest lecturers for all their help and guidance throughout the whole duration of the course. We will do our best.


Meetings,Meetings,Meetings. There's always meetings being held. Doesn't matter what company you work at, meetings will always be held. Bonus question, Why does meetings have to be so long??

This meeting started at 3pm-530pm.

Longest I've been in a meeting was two and a half years ago. The meeting actually lasted from 830am, all the way to 6pm. And I was there doing nothing. To some, It might be fun to just sit and do nothing at all, but for me, it was a real waste of my time. Seriously, 2 hours is already long enough for me. Right??

Fire Drill-erz

30/07/08. That's the date for the 1st ever fire drill being held in our institution. At first we thought that it was just meant for the students, but since this time it was for real, so, all of us went along and went straight to the assembly area.

Students in the hot sun, Staffs in the shade.

As you can see in the picture, the middle are is empty. This was because it was reserved for supporting departments. There were 2. The fire department Officer that arrived declared that all the staff in those 2 departments as "Fried to death", even though they were actually at the assembly grounds. Reason? they were all sitting at the grandstand while the students were on the field. Officially, we were all supposed to be on the field. I guess during emergencies like this fire drill, students were still considered lower than than the staffs. no equalities. But wont they be considered as equals when they get burnt to a crisp?

People and POWER... Something you can never separate. That's life.