11 October, 2007

My Baby

Referring to my car, my 2004 1.3 Proton Saga Aeroback, I've had it since the model 1st came out. which was 2004. At that time, the down payment was cheap and we (me and my sister) needed a car bad. That time, we were both working in KL and were both doing sales. Knowing KL, to do sales and go around, you need a car.

It's been 3 years now. And I still have it. It's what gets me around. But looking at it now, I really pity it so much. It's taken so much beating ever since I started working in Mukah. All the trip in and out of Mukah. The way I drive just doesn't make it any better at all. Been meaning to sell it for some time now. But as it turns out, cars nowadays, has just dropped in value so much than what it was a long time ago. So, I'm thinking that since I can't sell it with a good price, I might as well Fix it up and maybe modify it and just keep it till I'm old.

The plan has been embedded in my head for sometime now. Only issue I had back then was the Money. Still have it now though. But since now my job is more secure, I though to myself "Why Not?". So the plan has begun and the wheels are spinning. Maybe won't start today, maybe won't start tomorrow. But what I know is that It's happening before this year ends. starting with the body. Wish me luck Baby.