28 November, 2007


Money is the ROOT of all evil. That's how it used to be. But now, you just can't go out and say things like that anymore. Unless you're a real devoted person and you are willing to let go of everything that you have and just commit to it. For me, there's no such thing anymore. When I was younger, I used to believe that there were such things where "all you need is each other", "love is the only currency that you need" and "with only love you can survive". I won't say that it's not true because if you're talking about relationships, yeah, I'd say that those words would work. But if you're talking finances, you won't get anywhere at all.

Lately, or more like a long time ago, some friends of mine would promote to me about all sorts of get rich schemes that some guy might have thought of where you can make money when you promote the same thing to someone else. Somehow It's like promoting something to someone that would cause them to lose money. Some of you might say that it's business. Yes, It's true. It is business. Some might say that I'm naive for saying things like this. Well, maybe I am. But I'm just telling about what I'm feeling. And somehow talking about all these schemes, I'm thinking, does anyone else earn much other than the one who started it in the 1st place? Think about it.

So, Is money still the root of all evil? It still is. No doubt about it. But money is also the root of all that helps. Meaning? easy, when you donate money, you help. When you pay for something at a store, you help as well. So, my actual point is, Money is Life. And to live, you need money.

Money = Love = Money


Einar said...

Just thought I'd let you kow that I tried to follow your thought trail through this one and I emerged, a bit confused. And I am sure that this is a good thing. eeeek

Braynumb said...

thanks for reading einar. my main point was, if you were to live and love someone (or anyone) money is what keeps us all happy all through the end. True? and when you love, not just someone, but also can b your job or what you love to do, you (can) make money off it right? so, Money = Love = Money.