Our 1st Pit Stop. The sign board.
The only Post Office for Milesssss.
The Fountain that doesn't have a purpose.
A toilet in the middle of nowhere. Just Kidding, It's the fountain's water tank. Looks like a loo though.
We met alot of these guys along the way.
This one was ready to run after us. Good thing he was tied to the fence.
Great idea wearing a red shirt Lily.
Finally! The Beach!
Donated by ADUN. Generous.
A really beautiful bridge to get to the beach. But a sad sight for the waters below.
End of the bridge was where the beach started.
I think this is some sort of wave barrier. Beautiful View Of Beyond
Camwhoring time!
Saw this rock with a big hole right in the middle. The rock was made out of Shells. Nice...
In fact, This whole beach was made out of SHELLS!! Not even 1 small grain of sand can be found! Seriously...
Last picture we took before we went back.
That was our beach trip!
The end of Part 2