27 March, 2007

Feelin a little heavy

it's a heavy morning here in mukah... and even more heavier me... feeling a lil lazy today... not sure what's wrong, maybe i'm already in a holiday mood or what... i'm not sure either... but what i know is that i'm supposed to go to a meeting later today, and i'm seriously not feeling up to it... seriously... feel so heavy... and besides, i have to inform everyone in this organization that their computers are about to be taken away this week... and i'm still trying to figure out the locations of some of the items... i'd like to say i'm screwed, but it's not quite over yet... i can't wait to get back to kuching and spend time with loved ones... and friends too...
Owh! by the way, next month will be mukah's legendary celebration of Kaul Fest... most probrably be taking pics of the event and put up some on this site for viewing pleasures... hahaha... but its still far away to, hope there's gonna be some cool things to report on... so anyway, chaow!